I am not going to say I don’t like who I am today, or yesterday, or the day before that because I will forever be that person, no matter how far i try to run away from myself. But that’s just the thing, I’m running from a lost cause because you cannot change who you once were. You can only go from here, and if that is the case and that is the veracity of the situation, what am I waiting for ? Why am I so stuck on being stuck? Maybe it’s because I’m to scared to move, and change , well change is all about movement it’s all about stepping out of your comfort zone and launching ,immersing yourself in what you want, what you love, what you hope to be someday. But that’s the problem if  I have no idea what I want to be do I continue to move forward with no “end” or goal in site? Or do i stay stuck , stay in the reverse effect of this so called “change” that life throws at us every so often? That’s the problem , how to we change and prepare ourselves for new things in life when we are stuck because we have no idea how to cope or handle change? Well to me, I stay , because i’m a tree, yes i may be stuck, but no matter what my branches will grow and flowers will bloom, leaves will fall and I will still be going through the seasons with myself inside my brain, the times where I get cold and all my leaves fall off, when I’m so happy and my flowers start to bloom, and when I’m broken and my branches break one by one, or sometimes all at once. I’ll be that tree, and I’ll be stuck where I am because that is what I choose , I choose not to change because Change is scary, and nobody wants to be scared. Right ?


  1. No one like change, right? However, it can shake the autumn (Fall) leaves from the tree. Nice post, I liked it.Thanks.

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